Is There an Age Limit to Get an EIN?
No matter if you’re an entrepreneur starting up your first business or you’re in charge of an estate, you may be wondering if there is an age limit in receiving an EIN. There are varying circumstances where you have to have a federal tax id number and the question may cause you to stop in your tracks if you’re unsure the age limit or restrictions. Many young people want to start their own business or company to offer a service or product to others. Learning the age limit and how to apply for EIN online is something that you’re going to need in your future.
Age Limit
First of all, there is no age limit on obtaining your EIN number. You can apply for this number no matter what your age is. If you’re going to run a business, hire employees, be in charge of an estate, or change the company to an LLC or incorporated, a tax id number is required.
How to Apply
While the IRS site is the one people would typically think of for this process, there is a site called IRs EIN that allows you to easily fill out your application on a secure server. The IRS site is shut down during the night hours and over the weekend. However, the IRS EIN site is open 24/7 year-round with qualified and experienced tax advisors there to assist you in obtaining your tax id number.
The process is fairly simple and easy with an online application to get your number in processing. In most cases you can have your tax id number the same day you apply as long as it is in business hours. Sometimes it can take up to two weeks to obtain a number so it’s important you apply in a timely fashion.