Category Archives: Tablets

How to Get Social Influencers Engaged with Your Brand

Many companies struggle with getting social media influencers engaged with their brand, for a company having an engaged social influencer means having a consumer advocate who will drive customers to your brand. Thankfully, now there is a great new way to get social media influencers to create content surrounding your brand, video contests. You simply use our video platform to create contests in social media with a compelling prize which will motive potential influencers, once you have created

Taking Care of Your Tech Gadgets While Travelling

We all rely heavily on our tech gadgets, but even more so when we travel. Most of us pack a laptop or tablet and our smartphones when we travel and rely on them to stay in touch with our friends and family as well as to help us to plan our days. Making sure that we have packed the right adapter and charger alongside our gadgets is almost second nature. But, keeping your gadgets in good working order while you are away takes a lot more than just remembering to pack the right charger. This

Awesome Tablets For Any Budget!

In the early days of the tablet, there was a perception among some people that it wasn't entirely clear what they were for. Were they supposed to be a giant phone? Or a lightweight computer? How were you supposed to hold them? Why wouldn't they stand up on their own? Browsing On The Go Now, mobile (tablet and smartphone) use is overtaking desktop computer use, and a large part of the reason is ease of operation, coupled with some truly innovative design, both in terms of hardware and the

How Tablets are Taking Over The World

Ever since the dawn of computing, clunky interfaces have made the user experience a challenging prospect. While they had come a long way from the days when mainframe CPU's filled entire rooms, desktop computers still required one to close themselves off in a specific place away from most people when being engaged by the user. Even today, most laptops are heavy, hot, and stand out obtrusively in social situations. However, with the creation of the iPad and subsequent emergence of Android-powered